ObitTree Blog

Grief is difficult enough to deal with under normal circumstances, making grief in isolation even more challenging. During times of isolation, such as social distancing for the sake of slowing down the spread of the Covid-19 virus, losing a loved one can result in a great deal of distress for an individual. The negative effects

Missing a funeral can be a difficult time for both you and the family of the deceased. As much as you would like to attend the service of someone close to you, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that make it impossible. In most cases it usually comes down to travel costs, employment, illness, or other logistical issues. Whatever the reason is, there are still other ways to offer your condolences and express your sympathy and support to the family over the loss of their loved one.

Thanksgiving is a special time of year. Of all the holidays we celebrate over the year, it is often the simplest. There are no trees to chop down and decorate. Credit cards aren’t pushed to the max to buy gifts for all your loved ones.It’s simply a time to gather with family and loved ones to share a meal and express all that we are thankful for. However, if this is your first thanksgiving without your loved one, it can be a very difficult time.

Creating a care package for someone grieving is a wonderful way to not only show your support but help them during such a difficult time. Something as simple as gathering a few groceries and essential items like toiletries can go a long way to making life a little easier for the bereaved. A grief care package can include pretty much anything you think the bereaved will need over the coming days.

If a friend or loved one has just lost someone close to them, it’s normal to feel uneasy about attending the funeral. Rest assured, attending a funeral and knowing what to say to someone who has lost a loved one doesn’t have to be difficult. To help you prepare and make sure you know what to say at a funeral, we have compiled a list of things you should and shouldn’t say

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to go to a funeral service without seeing flowers displayed. Even if you are unable to attend the service, many people choose to send flowers to express their condolences and be a part of the day nonetheless. To help you understand funeral flowers and everything you need to know about them, we’ve have created this helpful guide to assist you.